Brunswick Blog

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Brunswick Blog

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Lauren Met Jesus This Week At...

On any given day it is possible to find a number of news stories making known the vices of people of faith, particularly Christians. We hear more bad stories than good but that is not because there is more bad happening in Christendom than good; it’s just because bad news is more popular. Today I would like to give voice to how our congregation, just this week, made Jesus known to a woman named Lauren (name changed for anonymity).

Lauren in my opinion is on her way to becoming a Christian. She does not know about Jesus. She does not know that He died for her. She does not know that He loves her. She has not read much of the Bible. What she has read of the Bible she does not understand. So you ask, “then how is she on her way to becoming a Christian?” Well although she does now know Him intellectually, she met Him this week and it impacted her.

I met Lauren in a small bible discussion group at a Welfare motel 3 months ago. She only attended the group once. A friend of hers informed me about some of the things she was going through and since Lauren would not join the group again I began visiting with her once a week outside of her motel room. I showed up the first time just to listen and lend my support. I really wanted to get to know her. I wanted to discover what was shackling her. I wanted to find out the root of her deep shyness and the events which led to her extended-stay at this motel.

Lauren is noticeably fragile and as she talked more I began to discover why. Let’s just say the past has been dark for Lauren; darker than most. She can hardly get through 5 minutes of conversation without breaking down. Fear overwhelms her many days. When this happens she stays indoors and avoids human contact. I have invited her on a few occasions to church functions which were initially exciting opportunities for her. She wants to meet and be around uplifting people; she has not had much of that in her life. But as time passes between our conversations she is overcome again with fear and feels safer staying in her room. Through her fear and anxiety the Devil keeps her just where he wants her; alone with her own thoughts. Hence she has not attended one of our church functions yet. But she’s close!

Little by little Lauren is drawing nearer to Jesus. She now welcomes my prayers where before she seemed almost angry at organized religion. She now answers my phone calls and even returns them. She is open for a Bible study and such is our next step. But the one thing that really yanked on her heart this week; the one act of love that tops all the others at the moment; the one way she has most visibly seen Jesus and not even known it was when I delivered to her a Christmas Box from our congregation this week. She smiled. She got excited. She said a few different times, “This is wonderful”. She opened the card signed by various members of the church and said again, “This is so wonderful”. She gave me a hug and kiss on the cheek; that was a first! She still cried within 5 minutes of my arrival, but there was joy there as well. Lauren is not handicapped. She is not drugged up with meds. She’s not weird and she’s not, in my opinion, working the governmental system. Lauren is simply alone and shackled with fear. Lauren needs Jesus.

Well folks, Lauren met Jesus this week at the motel and she loves what she sees. Whatever she thought of “church” before has now been changed. Whatever she thought about Jesus before is now being refined. And now, soon, very soon I believe, she will discover Him in all His fullness and never be the same again! What the Christmas Box from our congregation said to Lauren this week was this: “someone loves you”. It said, “If no one else has ever loved you, we will love because Jesus loves you!”

Love is not enough we know. Truth and love make up Jesus. But love does come first! And now that Lauren has experienced Christ’s love both in our many conversations and, perhaps most visibly, in the Christmas Box this week, the truth of Jesus will be music to her ears. I believe it!

Folks Jesus is alive. He is risen from the dead. He is walking the sidewalks of the world today and visiting the down and out along the way. Lauren met Jesus this week at the motel; where will people meet Jesus next? The answer to that question largely depends on where you are going and whether or not you decide to take Him with you.

On behalf of the leadership of BCC I want to say Merry Christmas to all of you who, through the Spirit, are daily “incarnate deity” just like the Babe lying in a manger many years ago. Thank you Brunswick Church of Christ for representing Jesus so clearly this week.

Where are you and Jesus going now?

“And in him you too are being built together to become a dwelling in which God lives by his Spirit” (Eph.2:22).

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