Brunswick Blog

Brunswick Blog
Brunswick Blog

Thursday, September 19, 2013

I Think They Will Join Us If They Trust Us

Back in February I wrote a post called “Are We Trusted”. In that post I talked about the need to establish trust with people in the community. I asked, “How do we as Christians establish trust with our neighbors when time and time again people are finding their first impressions about their neighbors so wrong?” I then talked about the trust that has been built with a certain leader in our community and how the trust developed over time.

I firmly believe that trust provides a solid bedrock for any relationship. If people cannot trust each other, in marriage, friendship or other, they have no solid ground from which to build their relationship. In this post I would like to consider how the bedrock of trust enables our relationships with our non-Christian friends to potentially grow into the highest form of relationship; that of Christian brothers and sisters.

I am learning that the bedrock of established trust empowers me to ask meaningful, even pinching questions. Trust grants me the authority to go below the surface of relationship. If I am not trusted I will not be granted that right. Trust must be earned, and once it has been earned any number of conversations can be had because the person trusts me. They know they are not being tricked. They feel as if I have a right to know. They believe I care for them. Trust takes longer to build with some than with others. Trust may take a great long while to establish with someone who has been repeatedly hurt by people. But again, once it has been established the ingredients are there to build higher and higher and higher until we both become devoted followers of Christ.

Here’s how this has played out recently; A number of months ago a non-Christian friend of mine informed me of a friend of hers who was going through a tough time- we will call her friend Ed. Ed was taking care of his aging parents and finding it incredibly stressful on other aspects of his life. I stopped by his office one day because I happened to be in the same building where he worked. My non-Christian friend had encouraged Ed to talk to me even though he had never met me so my arrival at his office was not a complete surprise. We talked in his office for about 15 minutes that day wherein I told him that if he would like to grab coffee sometime I would enjoy it too.

A couple weeks later we met for coffee. It’s been a slow-growing relationship since then. Some weeks it was just small talk and enjoyable coffee. Other weeks it was deep. We are at the point in our relationship now where he trusts me. He knows I genuinely care about him. He knows I am not trying to get anything from him. Because of this bedrock of trust I sensed was there I invited him into a Bible discussion group with me and a few others and he quickly agreed to be a part. Is he actually curious about the Word of God? I don’t think so; at least not yet. But he trusts me and was therefore not afraid of the invite.

Ed and I are set up now to have the highest form of relationship- that of brothers in Christ. Ed may end up rejecting the Word of God and thereby disallow brotherhood through Christ; but the necessary ingredients are there for him to find Christ. He trusts me. He is reading the Word of God. My only prayer now is that the Lord will convict His heart through the Word to repent and turn to Him.

I believe that if we will build trust with people they will join us if we invite them along.

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