Brunswick Blog

Brunswick Blog
Brunswick Blog

Thursday, May 16, 2013

"Go"- The First Response To The Great Commission

In their book "Building a Discipling Culture" Mike Breen and Steve Cockram argue that the mission of the Christian Church today is to "make disciples" (Mt.28:19) not build the church. They wisely reason that if we focus on building the church, we may get some disciples out of it. But if we focus on making disciples and succeed, the church automatically gets built. The formation of a church is always the automatic and natural result of having made disciples of Jesus. Wherever disciples are made a church is formed. For this reason we must make it our focus to make disciples not build the church.

Ask the average Christian gathering, however, how to go about making disciples and the response will be, "I don't know". At our Christian Community FG last Saturday we asked the same question; "How do we make disciples?" We wrestled with this question. By the end of the night we surely did not answer the question conclusively but we did arrive at this point that I think is important: In order to make disciples we must first respond positively to the command to "Go".

The first part of the Great Commission is to "Go..." (Mt.28:19). I believe many disciples have been made in the history of the church simply by members going and making themselves available to be used by the Lord;
  • We spend extra time outside during the summer so that we can talk to our neighbors.
  • We join new social clubs just to be among new people.
  • We eat in the breakroom at work because we hope to be present for people who need to talk.
  • We make our presence felt in the worst sections of town just to shine some light.
I have found that so much of making disciples is going and being present in the places where God could work. It is going but not always knowing what you will do when you get there. It is listening but not always knowing how you will respond. It is interceding for those who are mistreated all the while uncertain of what sort of fight others may pick with us. Being used by God requires that we first "Go". If we do not go we cannot be used.

I want to close by thanking a couple members at BCC for positively responding to the command to "Go".

Thank you Ron for going to help your non-Christian friend in Linden who was going through a tough time. I know you didn't know exactly what to do besides loan money but you went anyway.

Thank you Joann for going to sit with your girlfriend who lost her husband recently. I know you did not always know what to say to her but you went anyway.

What about you today? How are you making yourself available for the Lord's use on a daily basis? Are you going to be with people or are you isolating yourself? Are you going to listen to people or do your conversations revolve around you? Are you going to those you know are struggling and praying with them, or are you expecting someone else to do it instead?

How can you respond positively to the command to "GO and make disciples..." today?

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