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Thursday, April 18, 2013

"I Want To Become A Leader...But How?"

I had a young man approach me on Sunday with this question, "If someone wants to become a leader for the Lord how does it happen? What's the process he or she goes through to become influential for the Lord?"

I can't tell you how excited I was to hear that question asked me from such a young person. He was thirsty to be used by the Lord but just didn't know how. I love it.

I remember the same question running through my mind when I attended the Tulsa Workshop in Tulsa, OK in college- it's one of the largest Church of Christ lectureships in America. I listened to a young man speak at that workshop and found myself having great admiration for him. In fact I remember trying to convince myself to approach him afterwards and ask, "I want to lead people like you are leading people, but how do I do it? What's my first step?" I thought it was a stupid question to ask at the time but now I'm wishing I had.

So what's the answer? How does one become a leader for the Lord if the desire is there? I will share what I shared with my friend on Sunday with a short preface that I did not share.

It begins, I believe, with a close, intentional walk with the Lord. The Lord is the One who creates people for influence. As Jesus said so strongly, "Apart from Me, you can do nothing" (Jn.15:5). The Lord exalts people to influence not ourselves. It is our responsibility as Christians to "humble ourselves under the mighty hand of God" (1 Peter 5:6) not to seek to be great. The more we seek to be great the less great we will be. Let us therefore seek to be nothing and Him be everything and perhaps He may just favor us with influence.

Secondly, becoming a leader for the Lord continues with absorbing the right information. 200 years ago most of the schools of Higher Education in America had as their initial purpose the building of leaders for the next generation. Over time, however, the purpose of Higher Education became to increase one's earning potential. The right information learned through education has always been effective in building leaders for the Lord. But not just any information will do. No person can have a close walk with the Lord without a solid understanding of the Word of God, and no person can become a leader without it either. The Word of God is primary and indispensible if one would become an influencer for the Lord. It's the Truth. It's Heavenly information. It is Holy Spirit inspiration. It is a must for the Christian influencer.

Other things people have always studied are the Classics. Classic literature tells the stories of people who have gone before us and have influenced. These stories are also very forming for the character of the next generation.

Thirdly, becoming a leader for the Lord concludes with finding a mentor who is himself closely walking with the Lord and solid in the Word of God. At some point all of us need someone to model. Paul told the church at Corinth, "Imitate me just as I also imitate Christ" (1 Cor.11:1). A mentor shows a mentee what influencing people looks like in person. He/she is someone to follow because they are devoutly following Christ. Worthy mentors are sometimes difficult to find and they will not often come to you and say, "Come follow me as I follow Christ". That would be great if they did though! You will have to seek out worthy mentors if you really want to become a leader for the Lord.

May the Lord give us more young people who are thirsty to be influencers for the Lord.

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