Brunswick Blog

Brunswick Blog
Brunswick Blog

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

"You Harvested Little But Planted Much...Why?"

Recently I have been challenged to think about how the church can speak to the economic situation in America. How do we understand our situation? How did we get here? How do we get out?

For years and years and years our parents and our schools have told us that we need to do well in school so that we can get into a good college, get a good job and make money. The money we make will then allow us to have a nice home and hopefully retire early. This ideology has been drilled into our brains since grade school. I remember hearing this when I was a kid.
This way of visualizing work is so prevalent today that if you were to ask the average high schooler why he wants to go to college he will likely say something like, “So that I can get a good job and make money”. This sounds innocent. It sounds like a decent School of Business motto at your local university.
However for the Christian today- for the one who desires to build all of life around Jesus Christ- we must ask ourselves the question; ‘Where in the Bible are we ever commanded to do anything in order to “make money”? When is the making of money ever to be a motivation for the Christian?’ Aren't we supposed to do everything for the purpose of glorifying God? (see 1 Corinthians 10:31).
Might I suggest that part of the reason this country is in such a downfall is because for the past 50 years we have been about the making of money in our vocations instead of the glory of God?
The fact of the matter is that some of the jobs we have created do not serve anyone; they manipulate people. They do not glorify God: they help people run after silly luxuries they don’t need. We cannot expect the Lord to bless such work. They do not glorify Him. We are finding ourselves working harder, working longer and gaining less from all our toil because our toil is void of the Lord's blessing.
Haggai warned his people in this regard saying, "Give careful thought to your ways. You have planted much, but harvested little. You eat, but never have enough. You drink, but never have your fill. You put on clothes, but are not warm. You earn wages, only to put them in a purse with holes in it...Why?” declares the LORD Almighty. “Because of my house, which remains a ruin, while each of you is busy with your own house” (Hag.1:5-6, 9). Applied to us today Haggai says, "Why? Because you have run after money instead of the glory of God".
My concern is that over the past 50 years we in the church have come to believe that the only important work is missionary work. And the reason we believe this is because we have made our vocations about something that’s not important: MAKING MONEY!
Folks if we desire to build life around Jesus at every intersection of our city then the church cannot be the only place where we are doing something important. It cannot be the only place where Christ is crowned King.
It is the task of the church today to speak into our vocations such that we are challenged make our vocations about something important- again. If we cannot make our vocations about what is most important, if what we do for a living cannot please God, then we should put in our two weeks, even in this depressed economy, because such foolish pursuits are partly what put us here in the first place! We need to be spending our working hours (all hours really) glorifying God, and this includes not just what you do for work, but how you do it.
How have you made your vocation about making money? Have you justified that motive? How can you begin to make your vocation about glorifying God again? How can you challenge your employees to glorify God with their vocations and not just get a paycheck?

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