Brunswick Blog

Brunswick Blog
Brunswick Blog

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Let's Give A Microphone to Good Churches!

On almost a weekly basis I hear someone talk about what’s wrong with churches today. Some say, “they aren’t doing anything”, “all they care about is money”, or “they are a bunch of hypocrites”. I do not completely disagree: there are some churches who aren’t doing much, some who care too much about money and no doubt there are some hypocrites out there too. Occasionally we need to give a microphone to what’s wrong in churches in order that they will be corrected. However, sometimes the best way to silence the bad is to give the good a microphone instead.

That’s what I would like to do today. I want to give a microphone to the ways in which I see the Holy Spirit animating the Brunswick Church of Christ.
  • BCC has been Praying Regularly
Prayer has not always been a core value of BCC. Neither has it been a core value of mine until recently (sadly). Just this year, however, prayer has grabbed a seat at the top of what members of BCC value. Each Monday night since the beginning of June members of BCC have gathered at the church building to simply pray. We pray for the lost. We pray for the sick. We pray for revival. We pray for the Lord to bring a flood of His Spirit into North Brunswick and awaken our community to their need for Jesus. We pray because we have learned, through the school of hard knocks, that nothing grows unless the Lord makes it grow (see 1 Corinthians 3:6). Prayer has brought a new dependency on God for all things and I am so grateful to see it.
  • BCC has been Transforming Daily
Daily transformation has been a core value of BCC for some time. However recently it has really become visible among us. For a while we did not offer people the invitation to respond to the message on Sunday. Instead we encouraged people to talk with a leader of the church afterwards if they had a need. In some ways we may have lost opportunities to call people to daily transformation by doing it this way. But ever since February of this year we have been offering the invitation almost every Sunday and the response has been very encouraging. One Sunday 5 people responded to the message resulting in a number of prayer stations around the room. Another time a gentleman came into the service with a very heavy heart and, rather than talk with him afterwards about his problem, the leadership asked him if they could pray for him right then and there in the service. The people of BCC have been asked to consider what transformations the Lord might be calling them to make today and they have responded!
  • BCC has been Building Genuine Christian Community
Community is hard to find nowadays. We may live directly above someone and not even know them. Even harder to find in the 21st century is genuine Christian Community. We read that the church in Jerusalem,

“…were together and had everything in common. They sold property and possessions to give to anyone who had need. Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved”(Acts 2:44-47).

This picture of the church is foreign to us at best. But those seeking to follow Christ will begin to break out of conventional, American ways of living and transition into new life in community. This is what I have seen BCC doing this year. The women’s FOCUS group had secret sisters they bought gifts for all semester long. This challenged each lady to intentionally think of another during the week. One of our teens has been spending a lot of quality time with her spiritual mentor this summer as well as with some other godly women in the church. The “older women” are “teaching the younger women” (see Titus 2:3-5). The church has been generous to one another by paying another’s rent, paying another’s fines and helping a member clean, paint and move for no charge at all.
  • BCC has been Serving Sincerely
Serving sincerely happens to be one of our core values at BCC. This summer has given us a few specific opportunities to sincerely serve together. To serve sincerely, as I am using it here, is to serve with no hidden agenda. It is to serve because He first served us (see John 13). Having said that, we understand that as we love others through service, God draws people unto Himself. As we love others through sincere service we gain entrance into the hearts of people whereby we can then share with them the essential message of Jesus Christ. One lady at our recent National Night Out event said to us,

“What you are doing in giving away school supplies is great. My daughter is a teacher and, because of budget cuts, has to purchase her own supplies for her children out of her own pocket. Keep up the good work!”

I have seen BCC serve sincerely this summer and it is so encouraging to see. Remember and cherish the Lord's words in 1 Peter 2:12: “Live such good lives among the pagans that, though they accuse you of doing wrong, they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day he visits us.”

Folks I know there are many things wrong with many churches. But I can vouch for BCC when I say that she is the best congregation I have ever been a part of and the greatest light for Jesus I see in our area.

Please pray that the Lord will draw many, many more people from our community to Christ through the tilling, watering and sowing efforts of BCC!

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