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Thursday, January 6, 2011

90 Day Spiritual Resolutions: A great way to build life around Jesus more intentionally in 2011

Since 2011 rolled in I have asked a number of people if they have made any spiritual resolutions this year. One guy told me he was trying to rest more in the Spirit by allowing the Spirit to give him words to speak when speaking with people. Another lady had a number of prayers as resolutions: peace, healing (she had cancer), staying focused, etc.. Another guy said he was just trying to take it a day at a time.

So how about you? Have you made any spiritual resolutions this year?

Inspired by my church and my wife my 2 spiritual resolutions are the following:
  1. Read through the Pentateuch (first 5 books of OT) in 90 days. I will start a new bible reading challenge on day 91, 181, etc. I am basically committing myself to reading God's word every day. For those of you not in the habit of daily bible reading I highly recommend a 90 day challenge. A 90 day challenge is easier to commit to than a whole year for sure. And just like working out, it is those first 3 months or so that are the most difficult. For the first 3 months you don't see many results, the routine is awkward, and it is painful almost to the point of not being worth it. Once you pass 90 days (or thereabout), however, working out becomes more enjoyable because you begin to see results. Working out has become a regular routine at this point and the callouses on your hands and feet have healed and hardened to make working out enjoyable again. To find a list of 7 possible 90-day bible reading challenges and one 1-year bible reading plan you can go to
  2. Less face to computer time, more face to face time. As a church leader I know that the less I am actually with people the less effective I will be as a leader. I do not have any research to back up what I just said but common sense tells me this is true. For this reason I want to spend only the morning hours, say 9-12 or 1pm, on the computer. The rest of my day, in general, I want to spend connecting with people. I will need help with this resolution for sure. Reading the bible every day is already a habit for me. Limitting my face to computer time, however, will take work. I think it will probably be most effective to make this a 90-day challenge as well. Perhaps if I work hard for 90 days to stick to this ratio of face-computer, face-face time then on day 91 it will be habitual for me.
I believe spiritual resolutions, particularly 90-day spiritual resolutions, can be a great way to build your life around Jesus at the start of a new year. The practice of spiritual disciplines is essential for every Christian and a 90-day challenge can give you the impetus to get started on some disciplines you know you have needed to do but haven't done yet. Keep in mind that the fruit of regular spiritual disciplines is not always seen immediately. Fruit takes time to grow. Give it your all for 90 days and then gauge what fruit God has produced in you.

What spiritual resolutions have you made for 2011? 

Who have you told about your spiritual resolutions that can hold you accountable?

Would you be willing to share your spiritual resolutions here to inspire and motivate others?

"And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart" (Galatians 6:9).

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